
for healthy joints, bones, ligaments and tendons

The balanced composition of glucosamine, chondroitin, boswelia and MSM, together with the unique Flexi complex containing native type II collagen, vitamin C, turmeric and manganese brings relief to your joints and effectively helps to regenerate them.

Arthrosin supports nutrition of joints, bones, tendons and ligaments.


For protection and regeneration

of your locomotive system

Joint nutrition

Joint nutrition

8 active substances that will put you on your feet. Verified composition that works.

Cartilage protection

Cartilage protection

Our cartilage is daily strained,    so it is necessary to take care of it properly.

Joints resistance

Joints resistance

Joints degenerate over time.    Care of our joints can prevent        their wear.

Joy of movement

Joy of movement

Movement is a natural part of our life. Fully enjoy it every day and without pain

Stiffness, mobility

Stiffness, mobility

Waking up early does not have to limit us anymore and our joints can work again as they should be.

Active lifestyle

Active lifestyle

Sport and active movement is an integral part of many of us. Joints should not stop us.

Unique composition

Arthrosin provides the best solution for your comfortable and painless movement. The composition of the product has been developed on the basis of long-term experience and knowledge of the locomotive system and joint nutrition.

The product is a combination of suitably complementary substances that effectively affect joint tissue. The unique composition of the product has a positive effect on the entire movement.

According to the latest research, Arthrosin compounds play an important role in the protection and regeneration of joint surfaces, especially in joint problems of inflammatory and degenerative origin.

  8 active substances

Arthrosin 1 tablet
Glucosamine Sulfate 750 mg
Chondroitin Sulfate 100 mg
Boswelia Serrata Extract 50 mg
MSM 50 mg
Flexi complex
Collagen Type II 10 mcg
Vitamin C 10 mg
Curcumin 50 mg
Manganese 2 mg

What is happening with our joints over the years ?

up to 30 years

Healthy and functional joints
Healthy and functional joints
Healthy and functional joints
Healthy and fully mobile joints. Degenerative changes can occur in athletes and people with heavy pressure on joints.

Healthy bones
Healthy cartilage
Healthy meniscus

30-50 years

First symptoms of arthrosis
First symptoms of arthrosis
First symptoms of arthrosis
First signs of arthrosis appear: stiffness, pain and limited mobility of joints. Cartilage damage is beginning to occur.

Bone protuberances begin to occur
Cracks in cartilage begin to occur
Cracks in meniscus begin to occur

over 50 years

Advanced stage of arthrosis
Advanced stage of arthrosis
Advanced stage of arthrosis
Joints in the stage of heavy arthrosis. Joints begin to suffer from swelling and redness. Cartilage ceases to be good, softens, decays.

Frequent bone protuberance
Loss of cartilage
Frequent cracks in meniscus

Which joints are affected ?

Arthrosin offers solution

  Complex joint preparation containing 8 active substances

  Unique combination of clinically proven active ingredients

  High glucosamine sulphate content – 750mg in one tablet

  Glucosamine and Chondroitin are part of connective tissues

  Boswelia Serrata supports joint health

  MSM allows collagen synthesis and cartilage regeneration

  Type II collagen is the basic building block of articular cartilage.

  Vitamin C contributes to the formation of collagen in cartilage

  Curcumin protects joints from inflammation

  Manganese contributes to the formation of connective tissues

Arthrosin offers solution

  Complex joint preparation containing 8 active substances

  Unique combination of clinically proven active substances

  High glucosamine sulphate content – 750 mg in one tablet

  Glucosamine and Chondroitin are parts of connective tissues

  Boswelia Serrata supports joint health

  MSM allows collagen synthesis and cartilage regeneration

  Type II collagen is the basic building block of articular cartilage

  Vitamin C contributes to the formation of collagen in cartilage 

  Curcumin protects joints from inflammation

  Manganese contributes to the formation of connective tissues

Who should use Arthrosin  ?

People after forty

With aging, usually after forty years of age, there is a gradual degeneration of joints. The cartilage resistance decreases, the spongy layer of cartilage is thinner. The joints begin to hurt, movement causes difficulty, stiffness of the joints occurs especially during waking up in the morning or longer immobility. Movement of joints decreases with aging, swelling and inflammation of the joints appear, growths start to develop in the joints, which that can completely immobile the joints over time.

Active lifestyle

Athletes and active individuals are more likely to experience health problems associated with the locomotive system than other people. Daily workouts, overloading of joints, ligaments and tendons, or various injuries have a significant effect on the condition and health of the joints. The articular cartilage is in permanent action and it is worn out much faster. Diagnosis in athletes and youngsters can sometimes be challenging because of their increased tolerance to pain.


Overweight is a major enemy of joints. They get busy, the joints of obese people suffer far more than the joints of other individuals. Damage and inflammation of articular cartilage occur, reduction of joint movement occurs and swelling appears. Arthrosis is a common diagnosis in obese people, who feel pain in their knees or hips during movement, have back problems, and feel tired. With the handicap in motion, the quality of life of obese people is gradually changing.

Hard working

Hard work, lifting heavy objects, repetitive movements or working on feet all day can have a significant effect on the joints. Manually working people load their joints far more than people with sedentary occupations. Hips, knees, ankles and shoulders are being damaged. At the same time, the muscles might strain, back problems may occur. More than half of workers in heavy occupations experience joint, muscle, tendon, or spinal pain during work or free time.

What are the experiences of Arthrosin users ?

  • Účinný přípravek, vyzkoušela jsem ho a pomohl mi. Doporučím ho i svým známým. Děkuji.

    Zuzana Příbram
  • Před pár měsíci jsem při běhu v terénu upadl a nepříjemně jsem si pochroumal koleno a vazy. Od té doby už to nebylo ono, byl jsem dost omezen v pohybu. Dokud mi přítel nedoporučil Arthrosin, měl předtím sám nějaké potíže s klouby či se zády, a ten přípravek mu pomohl. A pomohl také mě! Koleno je už lepší a už zkouším opět běhat, zatím alespoň kratší trasy.

    Ivan Vratimov
  • Jsem bývalý lékař a už jsem několik let jsem na penzi. A jak to u starších lidí bývá, i u mne se dostavily problémy s klouby a s kyčlemi. Chůze do schodů byla pro mne utrpením, stejné je to při ranním vstávání nebo při pohybu z klidu. A protože vím jak si pomoci, sáhl jsem po přípravku Arthrosin. Ten obsahuje látky, které kloubům a vazům velice prospívají, při svém výběru vhodného přípravku jsem vůbec neváhal. A osvědčilo se, schody už zvládám daleko lépe a z postele teď vyskočím skoro jako zamlada.

    Adam Karlovy Vary
  • Porovnával jsem složení různých přípravků na klouby, a musím říci, že Arthrosin má opravdu silné a komplexní složení, myslím že nad ostatními přípravky vyniká. Šel jsem hlavně po Glukosaminu, toho je v Arthrosinu 750 mg v jedné tabletě, což je fakt pecka. Tomuto přípravku důvěřuji.

    Marek Praha
  • Nedávno se mi narodil krásný chlapeček, mám teď dost práce okolo něho, ale jsem velice šťastná a s manželem si malého naplno užíváme. Už během těhotenství mě pobolívala záda a také jsem pociťovala píchání v kyčlích. Tehdy jsem to moc neřešila, ale bolesti přetrvávaly a nedávno jsem vyzkoušela přípravek Arthrosin. Po asi tříměsíčním užíváni mohu konstatovat, že mé bolesti ustaly a cítím se mnohem lépe než dříve.

    Marcela Trinec
  • Jsem sportovec, basketbalu jsem zasvětil značnou část svého života. Na tvrdých palubovkách dost trpí mé klouby a šlachy, proto jsem sáhl po přípravku Arthrosin. Byla to trefa do černého, klouby už tolik nebolí,  doufám, že to tak vydrží i nadále.

    Tomáš Děčín
  • Nejsem už nejmladší, věk se nedá zastavit. Docela mne trápí klouby, zejména při delší nečinnosti se nemohu postavit na nohy, klouby jsou ztuhlé. Mám pár kilo navíc, to také asi hraje svou roli. Známá mi doporučila přípravek Arthrosin, vyzkoušela jsem ho, a docela mi pomohl. S mými klouby je to teď mnohem lepší než dříve, už nejsou tak ztuhlé. S přípravkem jsem spokojena, budu pokračovat v jeho užívání.

    Klára Karviná
  • Vyzkoušel jsem Arthrosin a musím říct, že opravdu funguje. Předtím jsem tomu moc nevěřil, po svých pokusech s jinými přípravky. Díky.

    David Břeclav
  • I have long-term difficulties with joints, probably from work, because I work on a construction site and often have to pick up heavy things. I'm constantly shuffling for something, so my back gets busy. I tried a few of preparation before that did not help me. But Arthrosin surprised me, and it seems to me that the pain in the joints and on my back ceased. I am also paying more attention to my load now. I am preferring not to push my knuckles or backs too much.

  • Před několika měsíci nám přijela rodinná návštěva ze zahraničí. Strýc je starší člověk, už na letišti jsem si všiml, že má nějaké problémy při chůzi. A protože stejné potíže má i můj otec, který začal užívat Arthrosin, věnoval jsem svému strýci několik balení tohoto produktu. Asi za dva měsíce mi pak strýc volal, zda bych mu neposlal ještě pár krabiček, že je teď na tom se svými klouby o dost lépe než předtím. Zdá se, že výrobek opravdu funguje, vidím to u svého otce a teď i u strýce.

    Michal Praha

When is it appropriate to use Arthrosin ?



with increased joint load - physical work, sport, overweight

with increased joint load - physical work, sport, overweight





How about the quality of Arthrosin ?

HACCP production

HACCP is a systematic preventive approach to food safety from biological, chemical, and physical hazards in production processes, storage, handling and transport that can cause the finished product to be unsafe and designs measurements to reduce these risks to a safe level.

Quality guarantee

We use raw materials that we choose very carefully in advance, always with respect to their utility properties. Thorough inspection and laboratory analysis is a guarantee of their cleanliness and efficiency. We deliver the highest quality and high efficiency product to our consumers.

No side effects

The product helps to solve the health problems of the joints and can positively influence the condition of the locomotive apparatus. Arthrosin is gentle to the organism and has no side effects. Active substances are beneficial to the joints and do not develop any addictive addiction.

Output control

Each our product undergoes thorough input and output control and of course laboratory testing. Sensory and mechanical properties are measured. Analyze the content of active substances and check the packaging of the product in accordance with precisely defined requirements.

Healthy solutions for your joints